Penelope posted a thought-provoking, and what will be a very controversial article about work, lifestyle, and men & women.
It's a great read.
I don't know the science behind all she has written about. What I like about her article is that it directly attacks some of the conventional wisdom regarding work that developed during the heyday of the feminist movement, and in making this attack, she gets under those concepts and helps you hold up the magnifying glass to your own work behaviors, and career choices - choices which may ultimately be holding you back.
It's not that I don't like what the feminist movement has achieved for our country, creating a shining example to other societies to enable EVERYONE. But, like unions, feminism is an old, tired concept that has outlived its usefulness. It's high time to move on to the next topic.
Which, I think, is going to be more and more about you, the individual. As we get better at understanding the details of our makeup (DNA, brain scans, etc), I predict that we'll come to a moment where we'll know much more about ourselves. My guess is that if we look closely at our performance at various things, and then layer over that a study about our DNA, or brain makeup or whatever else comes up, we may have a much better understanding about our poor performance regarding we've been attempting to delude ourselves about.
For example, you might have been really bad at running in PE while in school. Or maybe, you really liked solving math problems. Or, you were always the center of social attention. In looking closely at these tendencies, you'll likely see a path forward which is more in alignment with your talents, and finds you with a better fit in the marketplace.