The U.S. is in the midst of the Great Recession, and there has been some signs of renewed growth, but it sure as heck ain't that vigorous.
We also have a bunch of folks who like TEA a lot, and they seem to think that reducing government spending, and bringing the U.S. debt down is the way out. The idea being that if taxes come down, business investment will increase.
Based in this post, they seem to be saying that business leaders are somehow different than they were in the 20th Century. Put another way, business investment tracks VERY closely to unemployment. Get people more jobs and business investment will increase.
My guess: Since our Federal Government seems likely to either not change or reduce spending, that is, they sure as heck aren't going to be adding jobs, nor are they going to be doing much to increase hiring. In other words, neither the Leadership of the Federal Government, nor of Big Business is going to lead us out of the Great Recession. So, with the exception of Software Developers, the market for talent favors the buyer, and salary increases will be modest at best.